A prototype surgical tool that combines preoperative CT data with state-of-the-art sensing technology could put the ability to carry out complex operations in the hands of many more doctors, according to its developers.
The hand-held device, called Chimaera, could revolutionize the delivery of miniaturized neurostimulators to specific nerves, and give many more patients access to pioneering new pain management technology.
Different regions of the brain are known to be linked to areas of perception, such as pain. Neurostimulation involves applying an electric impulses to nerves to alter brain activity in a specific area.
"Pain is simply a series of electrical signals as transmitted through the nervous system, whether that's pain from a broken leg or pain from a headache. So by putting an electrical signal directly into target nerves - in a known way, you need to understand the waveforms to put into that nerve - you're able to lessen, override or deliver particular signals which influences how your brain is experiencing things," explained Simon Karger from technology developers Cambridge Consultants.