SkieGod Cyber Access: iOS 7.0.3 battery life after update

iOS 7.0.3 battery life after update

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Apple devices users have had the iOS 7.0.3 update for a little over a week and some days now, one of the main factors about this new update was iMessage fix and battery life.
Those that installed iOS 7.0.2 had major problems with iMessage, but this was ironed out when the new update released. iDevice users want improvements, the same or better battery life when a new update is released.
How is your iPhone battery life since downloading and installing iOS 7.0.3?
We wanted to look into this a little further; of course we would like our readers to let us know how their battery life is after you installed iOS 7.0.3 but we visited iMore and they have a poll that is very interesting indeed.
iMore asked the question “How’s your iOS 7.0.3 battery life?” and this is what their poll said – Great! Best Ever got 650 votes; Good Slightly Better gained 1,073 votes, Same No Difference 1,796 votes, Bad Slightly Worse 885 votes and Terrible! Worst ever! 502 votes – this poll was based on 4,906 total votes.
So, after looking at the votes above it seems battery life after installing iOS 7.0.3 is the same with no difference. Please do use the commenting area below and let us know how your battery life is after iOS 7.0.3.
iOS 7.0.3 battery life after update

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