It didn't take long for this news to hit the shelves after the reveal of Apple's new iPhone 5s which features a fingerprint scanner as an additional layer of security. The HTC One Max also looks set to include the technology and undoubtedly this will become a standard for all smartphones to come. But how many of you have wondered if the plague proportions of ''apple picking'' (smartphone theft) will soon mutate into ''apple and finger picking''?Never fear, Hannibal Lecter, Leatherface and Norman Bates are not likely to get into the black market for stolen smartphones and tablets anytime soon. Despite their penchant for collecting various body parts, we have been assured that the iPhone 5s fingerprint scanner won't work with a dead finger. No one has tried this out as far as I'm aware, but we're happy to take their word for it, and spread the word to any who would be phone- and finger-thiefs.
The reason a severed finger can't fool the scanner is twofold: the technology relies on both capacitive technology (where the body's slight electrical current is transmitted to the device) and radio frequency (RF) waves to function. The RF waves are the clincher here: these waves penetrate the outer layer of the skin (and any dirt or scars) to read the living tissue underneath, where your nice clean fingerprint lives. So there's no chance a chopped-off digit will still work.
Even with a suitably battery-charged finger, any light-fingered thief would then also need to bypass your other security measures, be they a password, PIN- or pattern-lock. I suspect if someone had just relieved you from the ability to count to ten you'd be pretty unwilling to offer up that information, so chances are this added layer of security will remain exactly in the place it was always meant to be. So you can hold on tight to your iPhone, and your fingers.
this means that iphone theft would have also include slicing off your fingers along side with your phone
Severed digits can't fool fingerprint scanners
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
This year, Intel held its IDF during the same week as Apple's iPhone launch, and it's not the first time these events have coincided. However, I could count the number of times Intel has had something more interesting to present than Apple on one hand -- and have five fingers left over.
That was true until last week, when Intel surprised the market with an obscure technology codenamed "Quark," which promises to change dramatically the world we live in.
Apple, in contrast, launched a slightly revised iPhone, which will now come in the color "gold," along with a minor iOS change -- and it apparently discovered colors in a cheaper offering. Mostly, Apple's big announcement was biometric fingerprint readers on its high-end iPhone, a technology PCs have had for more than a decade. For once, the Intel keynote was more interesting than Apple's.
However you need to know where Quark is going to fully understand how revolutionary it can be.
Quark: Fixing the Endemic Computer Problem
If I were to sum up the biggest problem with the computer industry since its inception, it is that smart devices have actually been pretty stupid. From the beginning, computers knew very little about the world they lived in and we had to adapt to them. In short, while the perception was that they were created to be our servants, the reality is we serve them -- and they don't even know that much about us.
Quark, a very small-scale embedded technology, is supposed to address the second part of that -- enabling the computerized world to better adapt to our needs automatically. It anticipates a future when most everything we touch will be computerized, sensor equipped, and able to determine automatically what it is we need to be more comfortable.
Market Potential
This is potentially a massive market, because it includes pretty much everything we touch that isn't currently computerized and instrumented. It also includes many of the dumb devices -- like security cameras and thermostats -- that we think are intelligent and computerized, but really are not either.
Look around the room. Compared to the number of phones and PCs you have, how many light switches, light fixtures, chairs, tables windows, thermostats, doors with locks, and floors do you have? Each is a possible home for a Quark-enabled sensor, and each could be made smarter as a result.
The Quark Future
So this is the future that Quark will enable, and you'll see it is very, very different. Think of beds that can monitor your comfort level and heat or cool, harden or soften, and even pulse (the return of magic fingers!) in order to ensure a good night's sleep.
Imagine security systems that can not only identify you with a high degree of accuracy but also alert a medical service if it looks like you may experience a heart attack in the near future or if your child has fallen in the pool, or if anyone in your family has fallen and can't get up.
You could have lights that not only turn on when you are near but also apply ideal levels of illumination based on whether you're reading or watching TV, for example. Wearable devices will not only help you exercise by alerting you when your heart is in its target range, but also let you know if you're getting angry or impaired to assist you in avoiding road rage -- or rage in general -- or a DUI conviction.
Windows could automatically shade themselves when you're dressing or otherwise have a need for privacy and become transparent if there is something going on outside you actually want or need to see. Heating and cooling systems could adjust to accommodate the persons in the room and even target the furniture they're sitting on.
Think of entertainment systems that could adjust their sound levels and speaker coverage based not only on what you're watching or listening to, but also on specific preferences, automatically directing its efforts to please multiple listeners.
Imagine drones that auto launch when a noise is heard inside the house and report back what they have found -- auto locking the intervening doors and alerting the authorities if necessary. Imagine drones that could auto launch and guide you out of a burning house, or alert you that your small child was attempting to escape the crib or otherwise about to do something dangerous. Imagine cribs that could alter themselves to keep your child entertained and less able to climb out.
In this world, you could just say what you want, and a screen or a device near you would automatically respond and fulfill that want.
This is the instrumented, vastly smarter world that Intel will try to create with Quark -- and it makes PCs and smartphones seem to last century by comparison.
Wrapping Up:
This amazing effort, or at least the focus of it, is largely the result of one of the most influential people in the world: Intel Fellow Genevieve Bell. Bell's team aims to drive Intel and the technology industry toward creating solutions like those I've described above, in the process transforming the world from one in which the humans are slaves to one in which we are the masters.
Bell is known as Intel's secret weapon, and she is its most visible human competitive advantage. Through the efforts of Bell and her team, our future will be amazing and our technology far more focused on making us happy. This is so much more powerful than a new OS, gold phone or cheap, colorful phones -- which is why I think Intel massively eclipsed Apple this year. Quark is a world changer.
Monday, 16 September 2013
The Nano, made by India's Tata group, is being re-positioned as a smart city car following disappointing sales.
We are now focusing on increasing the features and the perceived value of the Nano with every subsequent model launch," said chairman Cyrus Mistry
Launched in 2009 with a price of 100,000 rupees (£1,400),
Tata, which owns the UK's Land Rover and Jaguar brands, hoped the Nano would appeal to Indian families looking to enter the car-buying marketMr Mistry told Tata's annual shareholders meeting, in Mumbai, that new Nanos would include power steering options, an improved interior and exterior, be available in more colours, and have better fuel efficiency.
We are now focusing on increasing the features and the perceived value of the Nano with every subsequent model launch," said chairman Cyrus Mistry
Launched in 2009 with a price of 100,000 rupees (£1,400),
Tata, which owns the UK's Land Rover and Jaguar brands, hoped the Nano would appeal to Indian families looking to enter the car-buying marketMr Mistry told Tata's annual shareholders meeting, in Mumbai, that new Nanos would include power steering options, an improved interior and exterior, be available in more colours, and have better fuel efficiency.
"We are now focusing on making it a smart city car and targeting the young customers," he said.
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Apple presented the iPhone 5S with a 64-bit processor on Tuesday and in the year to come many other Android devices will be following their lead with this technology. 64-bit CPUs have been a standard for years in the desktop domain, but what are the real advantages that this type of processor will bring to smartphone users?
64-bit quick facts
CPUs count with rows of numbers made up of zero's and one's. Processors with a 64-bit architecture are in a position to handle a row of numbers made of 64 digits during one single clock pulse. Or to rephrase: it can handle 64-bits (8 bytes) of data information at double the speed as it takes a 32-bit (4 bytes) processor to handle the same amount of data.
Simply put: 64-Bit CPUs can handle more information at once, but this performance is task-specific and RAM-dependent.
A good simple analogy is to think of a desk that you have covered in arts and crafts. You’ve got all your materials laid out across the desk (scissors, paper, magic markers, and the like) and you’re finding that with all this stuff it doesn’t leave you with a ton of room to actually do work. Moving from a 32-bit to a 64-bit architecture is like getting a much bigger desk and being able to do bigger art projects and organize your material much better. Sure, it is a heckuva lot more complicated than that, but it’s a good simple explanation for what increasing the bits does for your computer/mobile device.
How does the hardware and software work together?
Hardware isn't the only factor when it comes to a 64-bit system: software also plays an important role. Software also needs to be constructed properly for this architecture in order to provide the processor with the necessary data. Only when both of these requirements are met will a 64-bit architecture be able to deliver the expected advantages.
The advantages of 64-bit
This processor type can compute larger integer values. An integer is a kind of data that saves integral values, in other words zeros and ones. Processing larger values will then result in certain advantages for graphics (for example with user interfaces and games), multimedia information or 64-bit file systems. Another advantage is that it will be able to address more than 4 gigabytes of RAM (the maximum for 32-bit systems) you would absolutely LOVE a smartphone with 4 GB of RAM) it is definitely paving way for this improvement in the future.
The disadvantages of 64-bit
Compared to 32-bit programs, there is a significant disadvantage: due to the doubled number length that is allocated to the 64-bit format, more storage (RAM, cache and memory) is used than with its 32-bit counterparts. This can become a problem, particularly for smartphones, since they are often greatly limited in resources when compared to desktop PCs.
What's more, it really only makes sense to have a 64-bit processor if the programs/apps have been made for this type of architecture. This means extra effort and expense for app developers. It's also important to consider that 32-bit programs when used on a 64-bit system could slow down the entire system in certain situations. The reasons for this is because the 32-bit format will need to be loaded on top of the 64-bit libraries. This would heavily impact the memory as well as the internal storage
Bottom Line
Smartphones are performing better and better and the only logical next step is to develop a modern architecture for hardware and software. Whether you're dealing with complex office software, demanding games or a smartphone used as a computer replacement, the usage possibilities are constantly expanding and switching to 64-bit processors will be a welcome change. For the time being though, this added value still has its limits, but this could change with the next generation of devices down the road, when hardware and software are made to work more fluidly with one another.
How To Make Use of Flash file
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Another free service we choose to offer is specifically for web Developers
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that is were we step in to intercept,
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we are offering thesame kind of service OPDA where doing during the days of symbian, if you actually use one of
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So Get Started
Saturday, 14 September 2013
We've started to see Intel's name pop up more and more frequently in mobile lately, most recently in conjunction with new Android hardware like the ASUS Fonepad Note 6 and Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1. Today the chip maker continued its efforts to make it big in the mobile world with the announcement of the Atom Z3000 series of processors, also known by the codename "Bay Trail," which will soon be found powering Android and Windows 8 tablets.
Based on the Silvermont microarchitecture that was talk about back in May, the new Atom Z3000 series of chips consumes the least amount of power of the Bay Trail family, making it best-suited for use in tablets. Intel says that the Atom Z3000 can allow for up to 10 hours of active battery life and three weeks of standby while also offering double the computing performance and triple the graphics performance of the previous Atom chip.
Speaking of graphics, Intel is also touting the Z3000's new Intel HD Graphics Technology and Intel Clear Video HD Technology, features that it says will help to offer users smooth gaming and video playback. The Z3000 also supports DirectX11 for expanded PC apps and gaming and can drive screen resolutions of up to 2560x1600 as well as dual independent display setups
When it comes to the tablets themselves, Intel says that the Atom Z3000 is targeted at Android and Windows 8 hardware that measures 7 to 11.6 inches in size, are as thin as 8mm and weigh under a pound. The company goes on to say that slates based on its new system-on-a-chip could be priced as low as $199. No specific products were named, but with the battery and performance claims that Intel is making about its new chipset, it sounds like consumers that will soon be in the market for a new tablet may want to keep an eye out for the words "Atom Z3000" while shopping around.
Friday, 13 September 2013
An employee for Blackberry was on Twitter on Friday and was talking about BBM for the iPhone and said that Apple received it two weeks ago. It is now waiting to get passed and Blackberry has not made any comment on if BBM for Android is also waiting for approval.
Alex Kinsella, the public and social media manager for Blackberry did not make a comment or respond to the request for a comment about the Android version of the app. Blackberry had said that that BBM would be revealed for the iPhone and Android at some point in the summer. They confirmed that this meant the North American definition of season, which would be sometime up to 21st September.
The company had said that they would reveal the app cross platform as soon as the app got approval from Apple and Google.
In a recent update it was said that BBM hasn’t yet been released for the iPhone and Android, however there were some fake apps going round in the Google Play Store.
Thursday, 12 September 2013
It got kicked off with Tim Cook who, on top of the big device news about iPhone 5C andiPhone 5S, made a few announcements about the new mobile operating system, iOS 7, the brandnew iTunes Radio and the free Apple apps to boost productivity and creativity. Lots of the iOS 7 stuff may seem like repetion or a recap from the WWDC.He started by giving us an update of what's been going on lately with Apple: with over 20 million applicants, the iTunes concert was a big hit for Apple with Lady Gaga performing her entire album. What's more, an Apple store in Stanford is getting a big make-over and they've been working really hard at completing the new iOS7. Thanks for the update Tim.
iTunes Radio and iOS 7
Aside from this small chit chat, a quick announcement was made about the new iTunes Radio, Apple apps and lastly, the iOS 7 mobile operating system. In fact, they hope to have the iOS 7 shipped out to 7 million iOS devices worldwide by the end of next month which they think will be an easy feat, claiming that the update will be easy to distribute.
iOS7 will be receiving some new features and will be bringing a new lock screen as well as a new ''harmonious layout'' to the home screen, spruced up in many different areas like in the Control and Notification Centers. A new feature will be the capability of accessing the search function by pulling down anywhere on the home screen. Another new feature: a multitasking view, much like Google Now cards. Siri, which can now also adopt a male voice, can even look up tweets, and includes Wikipedia, inline web search as well as photo search.
The new iOS 7 has something for all the senses: new, more textured ring tones as well as sound alerts. The camera, which has been improved greatly with the iPhone 5C and more specifically, the iPhone 5S, has also received some new features, such as some extra built-in filters and modes which are easier to operate, while the gallery has been organization features, like grouping photos in either ''moment'' or in related collections.
They've also included a new ''Share Sheet'', much like Cloud, which will be better for sharing files and pictures onto Twitter and email. The new AirDrop enables the user to share data with people close-by using 'P2P Wi-Fi''.
Tim Cook also announced new Apple apps which will be free with any new iOS device. You'll be given one screen to be able to download apps from the new iWork productivity apps, like Keynote, Pages and Numbers, as well as ones for creativity: iPhoto and iMovie.
IOS will be coming to the iPhone 4 and later, the iPad 2 and later, the iPad mini and finally, the iPad Touch 5th generation by Sept 18th 2013, not to mention be included with the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C. According to Apple, ''iOS 7 is designed to match the iPhone 5C."
iPhone 5S and 5C:Absolutely from the recycle bin
A new iPhone 5S, which doesn’t have much new with it, and a cheaper iPhone 5C, which really isn’t that cheap.
However, with all jabs asides, we’ve got to give credit where credit is due.
Apple has reinvented themselves and yet have stayed completely the same. This sounds ridiculously contradictory, but it makes a lot of sense. In other words, the iPhone 5C was for months called the “cheap iPhone” with rumors circulating around the Internet. The iPhone 5S, while relatively the same as the iPhone 5,
If you know Apple, you know they’re the king of hyperbole. They could release a phone that they found in the garbage and still try to market it as being a solid piece of gold.
In fact, isn’t that what they did with the “new” iPhone 5S? I mean, it is now available in a gold color scheme
However, with all jabs asides, we’ve got to give credit where credit is due.
Apple has reinvented themselves and yet have stayed completely the same. This sounds ridiculously contradictory, but it makes a lot of sense. In other words, the iPhone 5C was for months called the “cheap iPhone” with rumors circulating around the Internet. The iPhone 5S, while relatively the same as the iPhone 5,
If you know Apple, you know they’re the king of hyperbole. They could release a phone that they found in the garbage and still try to market it as being a solid piece of gold.
In fact, isn’t that what they did with the “new” iPhone 5S? I mean, it is now available in a gold color scheme
All that glitters is not necessarily gold
Well, you can’t really complain that Apple doesn’t always listen. They obviously heard their critics talking about how they’ve really done nothing in the design department since the original iPhone, or perhaps the change from the iPhone 3GS to the iPhone 4. So what do they do? Bring the appearance of something new without really bringing anything new. Well done, Apple.
Perhaps the golden color is supposed to be a counter weight to the new “cheap” iPhones. Even though the 5C is indeed cheaper than their flagship device now (…by a margin of about $100).
But this is exactly what Apple wants: a real budget iPhone would have been a killer to their brand and undermined themselves. As intuitive as it seems, the high prices associated with the iPhone are a crucial ingredient to the success to Apple.
Psychologically ahead of the game
For all the criticism leveled at Apple for not really innovating, there is some pretty new technology inside of the iPhone 5S. A new processor (64-bit at that!) and a built-in fingerprint scanner are among new technologies that haven’t been fully adopted by other smartphone manufacturers.
In terms of what actually did change with the new products from Apple or how they compare to current phones? We’ve got a little bit of an idea. However, right or wrong, Apple chose the direction they're headed and now it is time for other manufacturers to decide how they’re going to proceed.
Fingerprint scanners
The iPhone 5S was announced yesterday and one of the biggest changes to the Apple device was the inclusion of a fingerprint scanner. Not far behind, other companies have already made plans to release similar technology in their upcoming devices. While the technology does sound pretty impressive at first glance, we can already see some issues surfacing if this gains some prominent atraction's.
While it was no surprise when Apple made the reveal that the iPhone 5S with a fingerprint scanner, it was pleasantly surprising to see. I have a pattern unlock for my phone and when I’m checking in, it does provide a quick and secure way for me to check my phone, while some people prefer using pin code to lock/ unlock their phones.
But how much of a time saver will something like this be? With the advantages of some companies moving away from displays that required skin contact to operate,
If you’re wearing gloves, you’re out of luck and will need to remove them before you can use your phone. Even using special gloves with the adaptive touch capability, something like this would still require a skin contact in order to authenticate.
Two of the pioneers in display technlogoy: the Lumia 920 (left) and Xperia Z Ultra (right).
In fact, Nokia (a Finnish company) was the first company to release a phone that didn’t require skin contact to operate with the Lumia 920. Being able to test this out myself in a friend,s place.
As well, Sony moved towards this direction with their Sony Xperia Z Ultra and it seemed to be the way of most devices, moving to a display that didn’t require skin contact in order to operate.
It also makes kind of sense that Apple has never chosen to release the iPhone with a touch screen that would be adaptive, much like the Lumia or Xperia Z Ultra. So what does it really matter if we have to use our fingers to unlock it/ authenticate the device?
This has less to do just the iPhone, but rather the mass of companies who will now rush to integrate similar technology into their devices just to have similar feature with the iphone.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Well, the iPhone 5C has been confirmed by Apple has arrived in all its plasticy glory. One the new iPhones presented by Apple, the 5C will be available in a multitude of colors and falls into the mid-range smartphone niche that Apple was rumored to be trying to get into.The iPhone 5C has a hard-coated polycarbonate body with a reinforced steel frame inside, providing a continuous body (the entire back and sides are made from one piece of plastic) and one that will hopefully perform better than their glass and metal counterparts. The iPhone 5C will be available in five colors: Green, yellow, blue, white, and red. From the looks of it, the iPhone 5C design has been modeled around the iOS 7 design and it the pastel colors of it matches compliments well with the new operating system.
As for specs on the device, despite obviously being categorized as a mid-range smartphone, it does have some impressive features. The iPhone 5C will have a 4-inch retina display on it with full sRGB standards. As well, inside will be an A6 chip as well as a “higher capacity battery”, which unfortunately, doesn’t give us much insight into what exactly the battery capacity will be. As well, there will be a 8 MP iSight camera built inside of the device and an “Facetime HD camera” on the front that will boast a better sensor for low light conditions.
The iPhone 5C will have LTE connectivity built inside it and support Bluetooth 4.0 and a board spectrum of dual-band WiFi.
The iPhone 5C will be available in a certain amount of countries on September 20th including: United States, Australia, Canada, China, France, German, Japan, Singapore and United Kingdom. It will be available for pre-order on September 13th.
As for specs on the device, despite obviously being categorized as a mid-range smartphone, it does have some impressive features. The iPhone 5C will have a 4-inch retina display on it with full sRGB standards. As well, inside will be an A6 chip as well as a “higher capacity battery”, which unfortunately, doesn’t give us much insight into what exactly the battery capacity will be. As well, there will be a 8 MP iSight camera built inside of the device and an “Facetime HD camera” on the front that will boast a better sensor for low light conditions.
The iPhone 5C will have LTE connectivity built inside it and support Bluetooth 4.0 and a board spectrum of dual-band WiFi.
The iPhone 5C will be available in a certain amount of countries on September 20th including: United States, Australia, Canada, China, France, German, Japan, Singapore and United Kingdom. It will be available for pre-order on September 13th.
Price | $99 for 16GB / $199 for 32 GB We shall update this article as we get more information for the iPhone 5C. |
Sony Reveals New PS Vita Model & PS Vita TV
The next few months are shaping up to be quite busy for Sony. Besides the launch of its next generation PlayStation 4 console in November, the Japanese company has also announced a new PS Vita model and unveiled an exciting piece of hardware called PlayStation Vita TV.
Sony made the announcements at a press conference on Monday ahead of the Tokyo Game Show. The company also revealed that the PlayStation 4, which launches in North America on November 15 and in Europe on November 29, will only be available in Japan on February 22, 2014.
Probably to make it up for the delay, Sony said the new PlayStation Vita model unveiled yesterday would be launched in Japan next month, without specifying if the hardware will be available in the west. The console will launch on October 10 for about $190.
The new PS Vita will be 15% lighter and 20% thinner and will be available in six colors. It will also have a larger battery so as to provide a total run time of six hours. The battery will charge via a micro USB connection as Sony decided to give up its proprietary charge for this model.
The handheld will also sport a 5 inch LCD screen and will include 1 GB of built in memory. Sony also announced a drop in prices for the entire range of PlayStation Vita memory cards and the launch of a 64GB card for about $100.
PlayStation Vita TV Hardware
At the same conference, Sony also unveiled a new piece of hardware dubbed PlayStation Vita TV. The system will be able to stream games run on Vita, PSP and PlayStation directly on the television, the company said.
The device measures 10.5 x 6.5 cm and will also be able to stream the games remotely to other television sets in the same house. The PS Vita TV will launch in Japan for about $95, on November 14. It is yet unknown if the system will also be available in other countries.
let us know your thoughts in the comments section!
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
The Android sphere recently was packed with leaks and news pointing to an imminent release of the long-awaited BlackBerry Messenger app, but it appears that the iOS version has noiselessly been progressing also. BlackBerry has confirmed that the iPhone BBM app has been submitted for consideration and is now awaiting approval.BBM has had rather a long, and quite turbulent journey. But there has been revival of late regarding the app nearing a release on both Android and iOS. In May, BlackBerry announced that the app should be released this summer, which, even now, leaves them a couple of weeks to make a release. However, when they do, the question on everybody’s mind is whether it will indeed make a difference.
The company is banking on BBM’s historical popularity, citing figures that show the service’s still large number of active users, well, in North America at least. Of course, there has been gossip of BlackBerry splitting itself and spinning off into different markets, including a standalone BBM service. However, by the time it makes an appearance on the scene, it will be facing not only well established giants like Apple’s iMessage. It will also be facing stiff competition with services like WhatsApp and Viber, whose popularity has been growing at a speedy velocity.
BlackBerry seems fairly quiet and unobtrusive regarding the issue and will still be pushing through with its BBM plans. It already has a landing page set up and a representative has now posted on Twitter that the BBM for iPhone was submitted for review 2 weeks ago. That should give them enough time to make the aforementioned summer release.
Monday, 9 September 2013
Germany's Spiegel online claims that it has seen documents that show that the NSA has the ability to tap into the leading smartphone operating systems which include iOS, Android and Blackberry. It has also been claimed that the NSA has separate teams dedicated to working on each platformThe documents say that the NSA has the ability to access information on a smartphone such as SMS data, notes in the phone, contact lists and also location information. Another claim that was also made by the online new site is that the spying is targeted rather than being carried out on a mass scale and this is even happening without the knowledge of smartphone companies.
The inclusion of Blackberry in the list of operating systems that can be hacked is surely going to be of concern to the ailing smartphone maker due to one of its main selling points being the amount of security in its messaging system. These new claims will certainly worry users of the platform, especially those high level executives who deal with corporate secrets.
In a response to the report, a Blackberry spokesperson rejected the claims that there was a "back door" pipeline to the platform.
"We remain confident in the superiority of BlackBerry's mobile security platform for customers using our integrated device and enterprise server technology. Our public statements and principles have long underscored that there is no 'back door' pipeline to our platform. Our customers can rest assured that BlackBerry mobile security remains the best available solution to protect their mobile communications."
What do you think about these revelations and do you trust that no one is looking into your private conversations? Please leave us a comment below.
Internet experts want security revamp after NSA revelations
Internet security experts are calling for a campaign to rewrite Web security in the wake of disclosures that the U.S. National Security Agency has developed the capability to break encryption protecting millions of sites.
But they acknowledged the task won't be easy, in part because internet security has relied heavily on brilliant government scientists who now appear suspect to many.
Leading technologists said they felt betrayed that the NSA, which has contributed to some important security standards, was trying to ensure they stayed weak enough that the agency could break them. Some said they were stunned that the government would value its monitoring ability so much that it was willing to reduce everyone's security.
The head of the volunteer group in charge of the Internet's fundamental technology rules told Reuters on Saturday that the panel will intensify its work to add encryption to basic Web traffic and to strengthen the so-called secure sockets layer, which guards banking, email and other pages beginning with Https.
Sunday, 8 September 2013
NASA plan to launch an orbiter this week that will bring broadband capabilites to the moon. The orbiter, which is called the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE), has on board technology to enable two-way laser communication between the moon and Earth.Nasa explained this technology by saying, “Using a small and lightweight telescope, LLCD will transmit hundreds of millions of laser pulses each second to one of three stations on Earth — each of which was chosen for its cloud-free skies.”
Bad weather can interrupt the laser signals, hence the need for the stations to be in locations with cloud-free skies. It is no surprise that the stations are located in New Mexico, California and Spain, all of which are known for their sunny climates.
For the connection to work and data to be transferred, the space and ground terminals locate each other and then the two can communicate through illumination beams.
The New Scientist reported on the technology by saying, “LADEE will carry a laser with a near-infrared wavelength that is thousands of times shorter, as part of the Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration experiment. LLCD will beam signals to Earth at 622 megabits per second, six times as fast as is currently possible from the moon.”
This technology will allow Earth to receive information from the moon within seconds. This is a big improvement when you consider that in 1968, when the first photo was taken from the moon, it took several days for the image to reach Earth.
NASA plan to operate LLCD just for the first month of the mission but this is only the beginning of what it has in store for the future.
Friday, 6 September 2013
Microsoft has announced the Xbox One will be available on November 22 in 13 territories, including North America and the UK.
The full list of territories that will be getting the console on this date consists of Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, UK, and the USA.
In addition, Xbox marketing executive Yusuf Mehdi has confirmed that an additional number of Xbox One Day One Editions have been made available for pre-order, meaning if you're a European looking to score a free copy of FIFA 14 you still can.
Mehdi also reiterated that the console’s CPU has been boosted from 1.6 GHz to 1.75 GHz.
The full list of territories that will be getting the console on this date consists of Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, UK, and the USA.
In addition, Xbox marketing executive Yusuf Mehdi has confirmed that an additional number of Xbox One Day One Editions have been made available for pre-order, meaning if you're a European looking to score a free copy of FIFA 14 you still can.
Mehdi also reiterated that the console’s CPU has been boosted from 1.6 GHz to 1.75 GHz.
Fun fact: this is the same day that the Xbox 360 launched in North America back in 2005.
Thursday, 5 September 2013
Featuring a slate-like design, unlike the DS and 3DS, the Nintendo 2DS handheld is seen by gaming analysts as a budget version of the successful 3DS, aimed mainly at compensating for the Wii U failure.
The 2DS will be officially launched on October 12 and will be sold for $129.99 in North America. It will be released in Europe/UK and Australia/New Zealand on the same day. Nintendo’s new console will be available in red and blue and will retail alongside the regular 3DS console (which costs $170) and the special 3DS XL ($200).
According to the Japanese gaming giant, the new handheld will be fully compatible with titles currently run on DS and 3DS. It will also sport all the 3DS features, such as local multiplayer, WiFi and others, but it will not be able to display games in 3D.
The entry-level 2DS console will also include two cameras on the back that will allow users to run AR games and to take 3D photos, which can then be transferred to 3DS to be viewed in full 3D. The gaming system will also include an SD card of 4GB and mono sound via one speaker, but will feature stereo audio through the headphone jack.
Nintendo America President Reggie Fils-Aime explained that the 2DS was designed for the younger consumers of 5 or 6 years of age, while the 3DS is designed for players aged seven and over seven. Its lower price tag is also aimed at making the device more accessible to a larger pool of users.
Analysts said the move is surprising, as they expected a more advanced 3DS version instead of a budget console. However, it makes sense in the context of Nintendo’s Wii U woes, as it will most likely strengthen the company’s profits.
The Japanese gaming company has announced a price cut to the Wii U, which has only sold a disappointing 3.6 million units worldwide since it launched in 2012. Given the arrival of Sony’s PlayStation 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One, Nintendo wanted to give an extra push to its console and will sell the deluxe version of the Wii U for $300 instead of $350, as of September 20
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
Let us take our attention away from all the LG and Samsung announcements as well as leaks leading up to IFA 2013 for a moment. Microsoft has just announced that they ''will purchase substantially all of Nokia’s Devices & Services business, license Nokia’s patents, and license and use Nokia’s mapping services'', entirely to the tune of a cool $7.18 billion after conversion. This would mean Microsoft acknowledges that they need a far stronger hand to compete in the highly competitive mobile device environment, and despite Windows Phone 8 occupying 3rd spot at the moment, it still has a long way to go before it is capable of seriously challenging Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android mobile operating systems.Part of this agreement would see Microsoft pony up EUR 3.79 billion to buy nearly all of Nokia’s Devices & Services business, with another EUR 1.65 billion being spent to license Nokia’s patents, resulting in a grand total of EUR 5.44 billion - in cold, hard cash. It is expected for this particular transaction to close in the first quarter of 2014, and will remain subject to approval by Nokia’s shareholders, regulatory approvals and of course, other closing conditions.
with Microsoft having a direct say in Nokia now, it would be interesting to see the kind of comprehensive tie-ups that they can come up with.
Nokia’s HERE mapping services have been pretty decent for those on a shoestring budget since it is free and can be downloaded before you head off to the supported foreign country of your choice in order to save on potentially expensive data roaming fees, and when you merge that with Microsoft’s Bing Maps, the possibilities are enticing. It would also be nice to see how the mash up would result in a more comprehensive user experience in the long run.
with Microsoft having a direct say in Nokia now, it would be interesting to see the kind of comprehensive tie-ups that they can come up with.
Nokia’s HERE mapping services have been pretty decent for those on a shoestring budget since it is free and can be downloaded before you head off to the supported foreign country of your choice in order to save on potentially expensive data roaming fees, and when you merge that with Microsoft’s Bing Maps, the possibilities are enticing. It would also be nice to see how the mash up would result in a more comprehensive user experience in the long run.
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
The once dominant BBM is coming to Android and to iOS and we told you about this a couple months ago. A new development however is that Blackberry is now bringing a whole bunch of new features to the messaging platform, in a bid to try win back people from WhatsApp which has really become a heavyweight in the free messaging service realm.
BBM Video With Screen Share
People using BBM will now be able to switch from chat to video with the new features that are coming up. There is also more such as the ability to share the view from your camera with the user that you are currently speaking with and also the ability to show photos, your browser, or a business document. This is a pretty neat feature which is currently not available with rival messaging platforms.
BBM Voice
In addition to having the ability to actually switch from chat to video call, you can also switch from chat to voice calling also.You can speak to your BBM contacts for free, all over the world using your wi-fi connection. You will know instantly once your friends are available for calling because you will be notified much like Skype.
BBM Connected Apps
You will also be able to chat with your BBM friends within your apps and select your BBM contacts to invite them to join in on whatever you are doing. Facebook, Twitter, Blackberry Travel and Blackberry world are all BBM connected apps which means you can share your travel itinerary without leaving BBM
What do you think of the new features that are coming with BBM to Android and iOS?
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Why do smart phones explodes, just how dangerous is modern days Technology and precautions to take
The reasons why smart phones explodes,
could it be the hardware?
could it be the kind of operating system?
could it be the new 4G network?
could it even be nowadays applications?
could it be viruses? or
could it be individual carelessness?
The reasons why smart phones explodes,
could it be the hardware?
could it be the kind of operating system?
could it be the new 4G network?
could it even be nowadays applications?
could it be viruses? or
could it be individual carelessness?
You have the Internet in your pocket. The ability to communicate with anyone in the world at your fingertips. A big and beautiful glass screen that's asking to be touched. Too bad all those things can combine into one giant firework bomb in your pants. We've all heard about phones exploding and seen the damage it causes, here's what it looks like
Any phone can explode, it's not an often occurrence but it's not an impossibility either. iPhones. Android phones. Windows Phone. Blackberry. Whatever, because all smartphones do have similarities as far as hardware is concern
Research shows that the cause of explosion comes From (1)the battery
replacing your phones batteries with any number of third party hardware that may have been of low quality may result to explosion
The danger of off-brand cell phone batteries.
Since 2011, the Consumer Product Safety Commission has documented over 60 incidents of phone batteries smoking, catching fire, expanding or exploding, including one occurrence of a battery exploding in a Texas man's ear,
NOTE: Most of the poorly manufactured batteries come from China,and aren't subject to import regulations.
NOTE: Most of the poorly manufactured batteries come from China,and aren't subject to import regulations.
China does not fully cooperate when it comes to consumer safety
They want to make money and they want to make money quickly, and sometimes that leads to dangerous situations
Pre-installed batteries in most phones, however, are generally higher quality
They want to make money and they want to make money quickly, and sometimes that leads to dangerous situations
Pre-installed batteries in most phones, however, are generally higher quality
The CPSC suggested users stick with manufacturer or carrier-recommended batteries, and advised against buying aftermarket or off-brand replacement batteries, like the cheap options available on the street or from discount stores.
Part of the danger, the CPSC warned, is that cheap manufactures use counterfeit labels to trick consumers
.People should not feel like this thing is a ticking time bomb in their pocket,if they have everything sorted out well.
.People should not feel like this thing is a ticking time bomb in their pocket,if they have everything sorted out well.
There have been other cases of users reporting Anker batteries exploding
There have been other cases of users reporting Anker batteries exploding, such as this Amazon review from 2011 and a developer forum post from 2008. It's all anecdotal evidence, but for extreme cases like explosions, that's often the only evidence available
Anatomy of an Explosion
To understand what may have gone wrong in battery to cause an explosion, you have to examine how the lithium-ion batteries in most electronics work. Every battery has positive and negative plates, with a separator in between. In today's batteries, made for smaller and smaller gadgets, that separator is often very thin. If anything metallic gets in between the separator, it can cause a short circuit. If that happens, things can get very hot very quickly.
While definitely rare, smartphones have been known to occasionally catch fire and the trend is apparently on the rise This is usually caused by an overheating lithium battery combined with insufficient ventilation — in other words, your pocket is the perfect breeding ground. Overcharging your phone can also cause the same issue.
While the chances of your phone turning into a pocket bomb are extremely small, excessive heat can still ruin your phone. You should try to avoid third-party chargers and batteries, especially cheap no-name brands. Also, if you notice your phone feels hotter than usual, immediately switch it off — that Facebook status can wait.
Hope you enjoy your weekend with us,however
Have a lovely week ahead!
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