SkieGod Cyber Access: NSA Has Access to Smartphone Data

NSA Has Access to Smartphone Data

Monday, 9 September 2013

Germany's Spiegel online claims that it has seen documents that show that the NSA has the ability to tap into the leading smartphone operating systems which include iOS, Android and Blackberry. It has also been claimed that the NSA has separate teams dedicated to working on each platformNSA AndroidThe documents say that the NSA has the ability to access information on a smartphone such as SMS data, notes in the phone, contact lists and also location information. Another claim that was also made by the online new site is that the spying is targeted rather than being carried out on a mass scale and this is even happening without the knowledge of smartphone companies.
The inclusion of Blackberry in the list of operating systems that can be hacked is surely going to be of concern to the ailing smartphone maker due to one of its main selling points being the amount of security in its messaging system. These new claims will certainly worry users of the platform, especially those high level executives who deal with corporate secrets.
In a response to the report, a Blackberry spokesperson rejected the claims that there was a "back door" pipeline to the platform.
"We remain confident in the superiority of BlackBerry's mobile security platform for customers using our integrated device and enterprise server technology. Our public statements and principles have long underscored that there is no 'back door' pipeline to our platform. Our customers can rest assured that BlackBerry mobile security remains the best available solution to protect their mobile communications."
What do you think about these revelations and do you trust that no one is looking into your private conversations? Please leave us a comment below.

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